See CV for full list of current and completed grant funded work
2020-2021 American Cancer Society (ACS) 133694-PEP-19-154-01-PCSM. "Engaging Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer via a Social Support App." $144,000. Role: PI.
2019-2022 National Cancer Institute/Food and Drug Administration R01CA239192. "Evaluating the Impact of Waterpipe Marketing Claims on Young Adults." PI: Erin Sutfin. $1,311,866. Role: Co-Investigator.
2019-2024 National Cancer Institute (NCI)/Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 1R01CA240732. "Little Cigar and Cigarillo Warnings to Reduce Tobacco-Related Cancers and Diseases." PI: Adam Goldstein. $2,712,331. Role: Co-Investigator.